After so much time social distancing in the same house, the wish to escape is growing. Choosing a getaway during this time is something that can do very well for the whole family. But you don't want to create a risky situation unnecessarily, taking a trip or staying in a hotel right? Therefore, the best option is to bet on a vacation home rental.
Change in scenery
Taking your home office to a vacation home helps with inspiration and motivation to work better. As well as creating new activities for the whole family, such as cooking something special in a different kitchen or watching a movie in a living room with special lighting.
More space
Who lives in an apartment knows the difference that a little more space can provide. A space better developed for work or even cooking helps to make everyday activities much more comfortable.
Extra facilities and luxuries
A bathtub to relax, a swimming pool to exercise, a barbecue to cook and a garden to sunbathe. These are some of the special and less common items to be found at home, especially for those who live in apartments. The vacation home makes your relaxing moments much more fun, with indoors and safe new activities for your social isolation.
Travel feel inside your city
That feeling of newness that a trip provides can be recreated by renting a vacation home in your own city. The new environment creates a sensation of novelty in the daily routine, since the view from the window changes as well as the sounds of the neighborhood too.
Safer than hotels
As much as almost all of this could happen when staying in a hotel, the vacation home will always be the safest option. Only the ones in your family will be in the house, without contact with other people, whereas, in a hotel, the contact with employees and other guests is much greater. In addition, vacation homes offer more space and independence for laundering and cleaning personal items more frequently and efficiently.
Did you feel like going to a vacation home to renew your energy during social distancing? Empire Residence has the best accommodation to receive you in several cities: New York City, Orlando, London, Paris, Lisbon and Porto. Check our availability and enjoy this experience.